The effect of spaced and massed practice teaching method in some type of passing and dribbling in football


  • Talha Khanafdl Omar Department of physical education and sport science Faculty of education – Soran University
  • Hasan T. Al-Tawil college of physical education and sport science Mutah University


spaced, massed, Passing, Dribbling


The major purpose of this study was to determine the effects of spaced and massed practice teaching methods in some type of passing and dribbling skills in football. The two researcher adopted an experimental design known as the design of two equal groups with two pre- and post-tests.  The two researcher used passing and dribbling skills tests to collect data from 24 students in the first stage of the department of physical education and sport sciences at Soran University: 12 students for the spaced group and 12 students for the massed group, the two researcher used SPSS to analyze the data. After analyzing the data, the two researcher communicated the most important results: in both groups, significant differences were observed in passing and dribbling skills in favor of the post-test, but when comparing the post-test results of both groups, significant differences were observed in short passing, medium passing, and dribbling with 3 cones in favor of the spaced group. The results of the current study confirm that the spaced teaching method is more effective for teaching and improving football skills. According to the current research results, it is better to arrange the educational curriculum at colleges of physical education in spaced instead of massed.


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How to Cite

Talha Khanafdl Omar, & Hasan T. Al-Tawil. (2023). The effect of spaced and massed practice teaching method in some type of passing and dribbling in football. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Physical Education Science, 23(2.1), 59–70. Retrieved from