The effect of specialized exercises with an electronic device in developing the explosive power of the legs of the wall of the wall in volleyball for youth
specialized exercises using the electronic device - the explosive force of the legs of the wallAbstract
This section contains the introduction and the importance of the research, as it has been addressed to the skill of the wall, which is one of the important defensive skills in volleyball, as it is an open skill and requires physical characteristics and motor abilities of strength, speed, accuracy and integration of good skills and physicality. These skills and abilities must be developed using modern methods in The science of sports training, and one of these methods is the creation and design of specialized exercises with an electronic device to develop the explosive power of the legs for the wall of the youth in volleyball . The problem of the research is that the researcher sees that there is a noticeable superiority in the level of the attack at the level of the blocking wall, especially in the individual blocking wall. It is open to attack, and the importance of the study is to prepare a training curriculum using specialized exercises with an electronic device to develop the explosive power of the two legs against the wall in volleyball for youth.
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