The effect of the collective method on some mental abilities and their relationship to basketball shooting accuracy among players of the Rusafa Secondary Education team
Collective method in some mental abilities, shooting accuracy, basketballAbstract
There are many teaching methods that vary in their application to create a suitable environment for students. Hence, using a participatory approach in problem-solving and decision-making is a reward in itself, as it leads to the participants feeling satisfied with the role played by the group or individual. Participation improves the understanding of group members regarding the decision-making process and the reasons behind the decisions made.
Therefore, this research aims to develop a method based on the collective learning approach in certain mental abilities and their relationship to the accuracy of basketball shooting for the Rusafa Second Directorate team. Mental abilities help in developing motor skills and assist in linking the motor sequence among players through economizing effort, reducing excessive movements, and making accurate decisions.
Thus, the goal of the research is to identify the accuracy of shooting skills among the players of the Rusafa Second Directorate teams. The researchers hypothesized the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the studied mental abilities and basketball shooting accuracy.
In the third chapter, the experimental method was used with a design of two groups (control and experimental) and two tests (pre-test and post-test). The research sample consisted of 40 players divided into two groups, each with 20 players aged between 17 and 18 years. In the fourth chapter, the results were presented and discussed. In the fifth chapter, the researchers reached several conclusions, including that the training process, influenced by the collective approach, led to the development of motor skills in both the control and experimental groups, with a high rate of improvement in the pre-test and post-test, favoring the post-test.
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