Special exercises according to biomechanical characteristics and their impact on some kinematic variables for the stages of technical performance and discus throw completion for players with special needs, category F39, advanced.


  • Sabah Mahdi Saleh Al-Qadisiyah University


Kinematic variables, general exercises, discus throw effectiveness, , for people with special needs (F39 category)) advanced


The importance of the research is evident in developing the physical, muscular and neurological abilities of players with special needs (F39 category) advanced by preparing general exercises according to biomechanical variables and their effect on some kinematic variables and achieving the discus throw by using kinematic analysis of the stages of motor performance of the event between the two tests (pre- and post-tests), which has an effective role in identifying the technical or motor (technical) performance in throwing performance in order to avoid weaknesses and contribute to increasing understanding of the components of performance technique so that it can be developed in light of that disability and informing coaches and those in charge that the type of disability in one of the two sides may have a positive effect on the effectiveness of discus throwing for men. The problem of the research, through reviewing scientific studies and previous research, the researcher noted that these studies included a specific aspect of this event, including studying the physical characteristics in general for the player, thus ignoring the training aspect of neuromuscular strength, which affects the technique of performing the event according to general exercises in developing some kinematic variables during throwing performance. The aim of the research is to prepare general exercises according to the characteristics Biomechanics and its effect on some kinematic variables and the achievement of discus throw for people with special needs (F39) advanced, the research sample consisted of (3) players representing an elite of the national team players for the discus throw event for men with special needs (F39) who were chosen intentionally to suit the research problem, where each player was given (15) attempts so that the total attempts for the players became (45) attempts or observations and the (pre-test) was conducted and then the general exercises were applied to the sample after which the (post-test) was conducted and processed statistically using the (SPSS) program, the researcher reached a set of conclusions that there are significant differences for some kinematic variables in the (T) test for the significance of the differences between the arithmetic means of the pre- and post-test and in favor of the post-test for the preparatory and main stage (throwing) and the balance stage for some kinematic variables, the researcher recommends developing special exercises which in turn depend on quantitative motor analysis in the training curricula prepared by the coach with the aim of developing the mechanical aspects of the technical performance of the event Discus throw for people with disabilities, classification (F39) advanced.                                                                                                                                              


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How to Cite

Sabah Mahdi Saleh. (2024). Special exercises according to biomechanical characteristics and their impact on some kinematic variables for the stages of technical performance and discus throw completion for players with special needs, category F39, advanced. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Physical Education Science, 24(3), 139–158. Retrieved from https://spojou.qu.edu.iq/index.php/qjpes/article/view/149