Design and standardize a test to measure response speed using Spring doll for wrestlers aged (13-15) years Prepared by the researcher
Design and standardization of a test, speed of response, spring dummy, freestyle wrestlingAbstract
The speed of response is decisive in some wrestling matches, which requires training and measuring it continuously according to correct tests that are appropriate for the level and age group. Thus, the importance of the research is evident through advancing the wrestling game and advancing the level after giving a clear picture of the extent of the success of training the necessary requirements of the game, such as the speed of response, and according to its measurement by the test designed to measure the actual level, as the designed test is one of the easy-to-implement tests and does not require tools and is appropriate for the age level being measured. The research problem was: Every sport has requirements, whether physical or skill-based, and it requires measuring it continuously, especially during training, to know its actual level for the purpose of developing it and raising it to the better than it was. In wrestling, the quality of the speed of response is one of the most important physical qualities necessary to decide the competition and achieve victory in wrestling, so developing it requires following up on its measurement using the appropriate test for it. The objectives of the research were: 1-Design and standardize a test to measure the speed of response using a spring dummy for wrestlers aged (13-15) years. 2-Find levels and standards to evaluate the speed of response using a spring dummy for wrestlers aged (13-15) years. The descriptive approach was used and in light of the results, the most important conclusions were reached: -The test designed by the researcher is able to detect the level of speed of response using a spring dummy for wrestlers aged (13-15) years. The most important recommendations were reached: -Adopting the current test as a means to detect the level of speed of response using a spring dummy for wrestlers aged (13-15) years.
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