The effect of central and peripheral resistance exercises and their impact on the explosive power, transitional speed, and achievement of the 50-meter freestyle swimming for youth
: central and peripheral resistances, explosive power, achievement, swimming.Abstract
The research aims to prepare exercises with central and peripheral resistances for the 50-meter freestyle swimming, to identify the effect of using exercises with central and peripheral resistances in developing the explosive power and translational speed of the research sample, to identify the effect of using exercises with central and peripheral resistances in the achievement of the 50-meter freestyle swimming. The experimental method was used and in the design of one group, the researcher chose the sample in the intentional way, and they are the youth swimmers for ages under 19 years old for Sayed Sadiq Sports Club, where (7) swimmers were selected out of (12) swimmers, which constitute (58.3%) of the original community of the sample and tests multiple dependent variables (the explosive power of the two legs to flow in the water and the transitional speed of the swimmer in the water 15 meters and achievement) and the period of the curriculum was central and peripheral resistance exercises that lasted for (12) weeks, the curriculum was implemented by three units per week with a time of (22- 55 minutes per unit, which was measured and tested in pre-tests and post-tests. The researchers concluded that training with central and peripheral resistances had a positive effect on developing physical abilities (the explosive power of the two legs to flow in the water and the transitional speed of the swimmer in the water 15 meters). The central and peripheral resistances of the equipment had a positive effect on the development of achievement among the research sample.
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