Predictive value in running and jumping competitions in athletics in terms of muscle strength and kinetic sense of the muscles of the legs
Predictive value, Muscle strength and kinesthetic senseAbstract
the study aimed to identify the correlation between the sensory motor and physical capabilities of the muscles of the legs in the completion of activities (triple jump - long jump - high jump) and the activities of run ning (running 400 meters, running 1500 meters) and to identify the percentage of the contribution of sensory motor and physical abilities of the muscles of the legs in the achievement of some The jumping and running activities under study in athletics, the researchers used the descriptive approach to ensure access to the appropriate path to achieve the goals. High jump) and running activities (run 400 meters - run 1500 meters), which are (50) young players representing (5) clubs after they have been homogenized by the variables of the study (muscular strength and sensory motor abilities).
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