Genetic markers as indicators for the regulation of special endurance training and their effect on the tolerance of muscular strength of the arms and the concentration of lactic acid among young blind weapon fencers
genetic semantics, special endurance, strength endurance, lactic acid, blinding weapon fencersAbstract
The research aimed to classify young blinds fencers according to the genetic indications of carboxyl carriers (MCT4), and to codify special endurance training to suit the characteristics of each of the young blinds fencers according to what they carry from the type of carboxyl carrier genes (MCT4), and to identify the effect of rationing special endurance training according to the genetic indications of each young blinds fencer in bearing the muscular strength of the arms and the concentration of the level of lactic acid, and the experimental approach was adopted by designing the two experimental groups on a sample deliberately selected by the inventory method. Comprehensive by (100%) of their community represented by young fencers in the Sports Talent Fencing Care Center in general, whose total number is (14) fencers under the age of (20), Those continuing their training for the sports season (2022/2023), the research sample was deliberately selected from them and then divided procedurally after the procedures of analyzing the examination of the genetic markers of carboxyl carriers (MCT4) into two experimental groups, which showed a classification of a sample of blind weapon fencers who carry type (AT) with (6), and with genotype (AA) with (8), so that this classification in the research procedures represents the two experimental groups of young fencers with blinds, including type (AT) in the first experimental group, and type (AA) in the group The second experiment, after determining the research tests, the endurance exercises for fencing were tried on the fencers of both groups for a period of (8) weeks and at a rate of (3) units per week, and after the completion of the experimentation and statistical data processing system (SPSS) The conclusions were that the difference in genetic markers among young blinds weapon fencers played a role in their different positive effects on them in both increasing the development of muscle strength endurance and reducing the concentration of lactic acid when they received fencing endurance training, and that young blinds with genotype (AA) carriers of carboxyl for the gene (MCT4) are better than those with genotype (AT) in increasing the development of muscle strength endurance and reducing the concentration of lactic acid when they receive fencing endurance training. It is necessary to adopt molecular medicine studies in genetics and sports, and to increase the knowledge of trainers to support their planning for training young blind fencers based on physiological foundations, and it is necessary to adopt the novelty of laboratories in physiology when classifying young blinds fencers according to the genotype of the carriers of the carboxyl of the gene (MCT4).
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