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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Manuscript is in the journal scope
  • The manuscript has been written according to (IMRAD) style
  • It’s not allowed to cite from weak (and/or) fake websites
  • It’s allowed to cite from approved websites depending on a peer-reviewed journals, scientific books, locally or international university theses and dissertations
  • All cited references must be modern (last five years), with some important exceptions
  • The manuscript has been written in Arabic or English language
  • The Manuscript has not been previously published, or submitted to another journal for consideration
  • The senior author at least must provide his (ORCID ID), for registration:
  • The number of research pages shall not exceed 12 pages, and the magazine shall collect an amount of (10) thousand dinars for each page more than the specified number, provided that the research pages shall not exceed (17) pages.
  • The senior author should fill the Copyright and Author’s Declaration pledge forms and then re-uploaded while sending the manuscript
  • Manuscript must be print using (Microsoft Word 2010) onwards, according to the ready template which can be found on the journal website, font size for Manuscript's text is (12) and (14) bold for headlines, the font type is (Arial) for Arabic language and (Times New Roman) for English language, standard page dimensions is (vertical - 3.17 x 2.54 cm), the separate distance between the lines and paragraphs is (1.15) cm
  • The abstract should be in the range of 150–250 words and written in one paragraph in both Arabic and English language
  • The manuscript should include (4-6) keywords
  • The introduction should include not less than 5 previous studies
  • Author (s) full and correct name in Arabic and English languages and place of work (Ministry/University/college/Institute / … etc) and e-mail should be fixed under manuscript title
  • The manuscript pages are numbered by inserting them electronically at the bottom and center of the page
  • Pictures or diagrams must be consistency in Dimensions, by using computer or scanner with height resolution
  • Table’s number and its title must be written in a clear and a brief manner and at the top of it, while figures (pictures or diagrams) number and its title must be written in a clear and a brief manner and at the bottom of it
  • Numbers are printed in Arabic form exclusively (0 1 2 3 4), and when using parentheses, no space is left between it such as: (2540), and no space is left before the punctuation marks: comma, two dots, dot … etc. Example: sports training, motor learning, sports psychology
  • It’s not allowed using the immediate translating software or websites like Google translate … etc
  • Author (s) should use the standard scientific terms. Authors who submit their manuscript in Arabic language should insert the scientific terms in English language
  • Citation should be according to (APA) style (6th) edition using (Microsoft Word 2010) onwards, or mendeley reference manager software, or EndNote software
  • The list of references (Bibliography) should include all citations that mentioned in the manuscript text


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