Comparing audience motivation to attend matches between some group games in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq


  • Diyar Kamal Asaad University of Sulaimani
  • Aram Jabbar Hama Salh University of Sulaimani
  • Shayan Abdalla Mohammed University of Raparin


audience motivation, group games


The research population was determined from the masses of group games in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which numbered( 1600) sports audiences, who represent the population of all governorates of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq. The researchers took (800) of them as the construction sample and (640) audiences as the application sample, after excluding Who participated in the first exploratory experiment (100) and the second (60), and the researchers built a measure of the sports audience’s motivation to attend matches and reached several conclusions, including: The results showed that there are no significant differences between the audience’s motivation for group games. There are no significant differences in the audience’s motivation Between the governorates for each (basketball, volleyball, handball), there are significant differences in audience motivation between football and the group games investigated. The audience motivation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is not at the level of high motivation for attending the matches.


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How to Cite

Diyar Kamal Asaad, Aram Jabbar Hama Salh, & Shayan Abdalla Mohammed. (2024). Comparing audience motivation to attend matches between some group games in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Physical Education Science, 24(3), 168–180. Retrieved from

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