The effectiveness of visual vision exercises in developing the speed and accuracy of visual perception for soccer buds players
visual vision, speed and accuracy of visual perception, soccer budsAbstract
The importance of the study focused on the use of special exercises, based on scientific foundations, aimed at developing speed and accuracy of perception visual, and improve exploratory behavior among young players; In order to reach the desired goal, and the purpose of the study is to identify the importance of visual vision, its role and its relationship to exploratory behavior, and its development in the class of football buds, and that the exercises prepared for visual vision have a positive effect on developing the speed and accuracy of visual perception, and the researcher used the experimental method, in a style The two equal groups, due to its suitability to the nature of the study, the research sample was chosen by the intentional method, and they are the 30 players of Baraem Club Al-Daghara Club, and then the training curriculum prepared by the researcher for visual vision was applied, for a period of eight weeks, with two training units per week, The data was collected through tests of visual perception and exploratory behavior, and it was processed using (26) (spss). It has a positive effect on improving the speed and accuracy of visual perception, and that there is a direct relationship between visual perception and exploratory behavior, and that one of the most prominent recommendations of the study is the adoption of the training curriculum that emphasizes it, its repetitions, and rest periods for visual vision in the training units, because of its important role in acquiring and developing the ability of the players from a physical point of view. skill, and perceptual
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