Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of the stretched bow of the sides of the body and its relationship to the components and resultant of the instantaneous velocity of the diagonal Spiking of Women volleyball team at Sanhareeb sports club
diagonal Spiking, biomechanics, three dimensions, stretched bowAbstract
The stretched bow phase is one of the important stages in the Spike in volleyball, and it is one of the important topics in the field of biomechanics, as it represents what can be collected from the amounts of force at a certain point in the body as potential energy, and then released as a force transferred to the ball. The shape of the stretched bow depends on the least possible differences in the angle hips.
Volleyball players perform an important skill in this phase, which is the diagonal Spiking, which is an offensive skill through which the instantaneous velocity of the ball is decomposed into three important components when analyzing the movement in its three dimensions. One of the dimensions is perpendicular to the ground, and the other two dimensions are perpendicular to each other, one of them is in the direction of movement towards the front and the other towards the side.
Five Female players from the Sanhareeb's Sports Club in Duhok Governorate (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) were tested, and they are among the best players of this club. Ten attempts were analyzed for each player to become 50 views. The skill was filmed using two cameras of the same type with a speed of (60 fps) from two different locations. The videos were subjected to the three-dimensional kinematic analysis program (APAS). The least possible displacement between the right shoulder-right hip and the left shoulder-left hip was diagnosed through the program.
This study showed the existence of an important correlation between the stretched bow on the right side with the resultant and compound instantaneous velocity of the three dimensions, where the players used the right arm to hit the ball. This means that the less the angle hips, the greater the speed of the ball at the moment of hitting it. This is due to the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy at the moment of contact, which leads to a faster and stronger smash.
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