Developing a theoretical knowledge scale for the skills of physical education curriculum games for male and female physical education teachers in Al-Qadisiyah governorate.
Theoretical knowledge, gaming skills, physical education curriculumAbstract
The aim of the research is to build a scale for the theoretical knowledge of the skills of physical education curriculum games and to identify the correlational relationships and differences in the degrees of theoretical knowledge of the skills of physical education curriculum games among male and female physical education teachers in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate. The researcher used the descriptive method with the correlational survey studies approach, and the research population consisted of( 452) male and female teachers, while the sample included (108) male and female teachers. The researcher used sources, references, and a questionnaire as tools for collecting information and data. In light of the research framework and relying on similar scales, 90 items were formulated for the scale, distributed across five main games: futsal, handball, volleyball, basketball, and track and field. The research results showed that the level of theoretical knowledge of the skills of physical education curriculum games among male and female physical education teachers was good. Additionally, there was a significant correlation and differences in the degree of theoretical knowledge of the studied games between male and female teachers. Based on the research findings, the researcher recommended increasing attention and care from educational supervision, specialization, sports, and scouting activities in the study of physical education. It was also recommended to conduct tests and ongoing courses to familiarize individuals with the games of the physical education curriculum and their skills.
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