The effect of using exercises according to the learning strategy in order to be able to help the visual sense in the accuracy of the numbers and transmission skills from the top of the students of the Mustansiriya University team in volleyball


  • Rami Emad Abdel Sattar Education Directorate Rusafa/1


Learning strategy to be able to help the visual sense, numbers and transmission skills .the above


The research dealt with modern methods of learning, which are a strategy requirement according to the strategic learning method according to exercises in order to be able to help the visual sense, as the research dealt with the learning strategy for movements and basic skills in volleyball. From that, the research dealt with the strategic method of learning in order to be able to help the visual sense of these skills and reach the mastery of such a method compared to the traditional methods, as one of the methods that the research dealt with and the extent of the difficulties facing the learning process according to the traditional old methods while performing the skills in games, especially volleyball, especially in particular Because it has a privilege for its technical skills during the matches, so the research dealt with this problem using special exercises for the learning strategy in order to be able to help the visual sense to learn these skills of numbers and transmission from above, and the research also concluded the comparison between tribal and dimensional tests between the two groups of the experimental and control groups that were used Traditional programs and strategic programs under study the sample, as well as recommended the research from the introduction of strategies with the help of the visual sense to learn other skills, as well The Plane.


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How to Cite

Rami Emad Abdel Sattar. (2024). The effect of using exercises according to the learning strategy in order to be able to help the visual sense in the accuracy of the numbers and transmission skills from the top of the students of the Mustansiriya University team in volleyball. Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Physical Education Science, 24(1), 63–71. Retrieved from

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